Time for Phone Sex

Time for Phone Sex

Well, here we are again. Yep, it is the unofficial end of summer. I’m sad to see it go. I did a lot of traveling this year to make up for the covid lockdowns. I did my traditional beach vacation and have already booked next year’s… which I’m very excited about. I also travel to…

Lust is a Many Splendid Thing

Lust is a Many Splendid Thing

The definition of LUST by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary… usually intense or unbridled sexual desire: lasciviousness He was motivated more by lust than by love. 2a: an intense longing: craving a lust to succeed. b: enthusiasm Lust is not Love. This is why I feel that phone sex with an operator or a service is never…

You Get What You Pay For

You Get What You Pay For

  There is a philosophy in the phone sex industry that “you get what you pay for”. You have heard that before no doubt when it refers to clothes, appliances, and name brand products versus “generic store brands”. The main difference in the phone sex industry is “name brands” do not really exist. Hell, I…

Cooking Up Some Phone Sex

Cooking Up Some Phone Sex

  If I were to craft my own phone sex soup these are the ingredients I would add. First, we’d start the base… A gallon of cheap flat rate prices so you don’t have to watch minutes tick buy and hear the cha-ching! I’d toss in a generous dose of ethical and honest billing and…

My Idea of Sexy

My Idea of Sexy

I don’t think women fantasize in the same way that men do. Women are more cerebral when it comes to sex. I think that is one reason why I love dirty talk and always have. I was occupied doing stuff but of course, my mind ended up on sex. I started to think about all…

Phone Sex

Phone Sex for Regular Joe

Phone Sex is for Normal Guys Too There are trends in the phone sex industry.  Often it’s a jump on the bandwagon type of situation that can start out with 2 or 3 ladies and then suddenly everyone is doing it.  Over time I have watched trends and fads happen all the time.  The latest…

If Their Wives Only Knew

If Their Wives Only Knew

Men DO Fantasize About Their Wife   As a rule, a wife is going to hate the idea of her husband calling phone sex. Many women consider it to be “cheating”.  Naturally, I do not believe that phone sex is cheating. I believe it is nothing more than a masturbation aid. It’s porn for your…

The Many Moods of Sexy Lynnea

The Many Moods of Sexy Lynnea

  If being a phone sex operator requires a specific “state of mind” from the caller’s perspective than Lynnea has got it down pat. Lynnea’s mood creates a tone for your call whether it is about erotic imagery, a passionate roleplay, or just the feeling of sensuality. Her words and emotions bring life to your…