Phone Sex is No Joke

Phone Sex is No Joke

For as many years as I have been in the phone sex industry, I have been annoyed at any mainstream media that publishes an article about the business. I have my reasons, and they are plenty. One of my greatest pet peeves with articles about phone sex operators is that the operator almost always says…

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Most Common Questions

I get questions all the time. I thought I’d share the most common phone sex questions that I get daily, in a post on my blog today! Are there hidden fees? How does this work? Do you hang up on me at the end of my time? What can we talk about? Are you going…

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Sex is My Weapon

    Yes, please understand that sex is my weapon! Do women have too many weapons to use against men sexually? I had a little conversation about this recently with a caller I’d like to call “Eddie Haskell”. You remember Eddie, the suck up with motives on Leave it to Beaver. I love old classic…

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Phone Sex is Still a Business

  Here is something I thought potential callers might like to know…. My business is phone sex but I run it as a business and it’s backed up with all the things that make any business… a true service. I believe and commit to practicing Customer Satisfaction by providing excellent service and billing with integrity….

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A True Phone Sex Story

  I talked to a new guy today from Florida and when I first start out on any call… I always ask a very specific phone sex question, it just helps me to really figure out the best way to approach a call. As stated all over my site… I try to tailor calls to…

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The Lady-Like Slut

  I am a Lady Like Slut So I was doing a call…. And a very long time client told me I was special and unique in the business. I would say that 99% of phone sex callers try every girl and every service out there. Most callers have maybe 2 or 3 regular places…