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Phone Sex is Like Pizza

How is Phone Sex like Pizza?   Recently I was looking through ads that came in the mail for pizza places and I started thinking about how phone sex and pizza have a lot in common. Wonder if you agree? 1.) Cheap prices do not mean quality cause sometimes it ends up being made of…

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Morning Glory

  OK, I did something really weird for me today. First of all, I woke up early and felt great. Partly due to a mini warm spell we have. OK so 40 degrees is hardly warm, but after the snow and cold weather, we’ve had recently — it felt like spring. So I opened the…

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Lynnea Comments!

This past week was super hectic with calls! I spoke to a guy on Friday who will, of course, remain nameless… but HE will know who he is! He was so hot… I think we talked for at least an hour, probably a little more. This was a totally new guy to me, and we…

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The Smut Dream

Yesterday I had what I guess was a migraine headache. I wasn’t really sure and had to ask someone I knew about them. It wasn’t horrible or anything, just annoying as I am not used to headaches without a hangover lol. But I ended up finishing my day earlier than normal. I honestly can not…